ASCII Text to Hex Code Converter Tool

Translate ASCII text into Hexadecimal values using the this ASCII to Hex converter tool.

Use can also convert HEX to ASCII/Text using the HEX to ASCII Tool

Check other Color Code Tools

RGB to HEX Tool HEX to RGB Tool
RGB to HSV Tool RGB to CMYK Tool
HEX to CMYK Tool HEX to ASCII Tool
Color Preview Tool ASCII to HEX Tool

Procedure to convert ASCII/Text to HEX

ASCII code to HEX and Binary Mapping Table

NUL 00 00000000
SOH 01 00000001
STX 02 00000010
ETX 03 00000011
EOT 04 00000100
ENQ 05 00000101
ACK 06 00000110
BEL 07 00000111
BS 08 00001000
HT 09 00001001
LF 0A 00001010
VT 0B 00001011
FF 0C 00001100
CR 0D 00001101
SO 0E 00001110
SI 0F 00001111
DLE 10 00010000
DC1 11 00010001
DC2 12 00010010
DC3 13 00010011
DC4 14 00010100
NAK 15 00010101
SYN 16 00010110
ETB 17 00010111
CAN 18 00011000
EM 19 00011001
SUB 1A 00011010
ESC 1B 00011011
FS 1C 00011100
GS 1D 00011101
RS 1E 00011110
US 1F 00011111
Space 20 00100000
! 21 00100001
" 22 00100010
# 23 00100011
$ 24 00100100
% 25 00100101
& 26 00100110
' 27 00100111
( 28 00101000
) 29 00101001
* 2A 00101010
+ 2B 00101011
, 2C 00101100
- 2D 00101101
. 2E 00101110
/ 2F 00101111
0 30 00110000
1 31 00110001
2 32 00110010
3 33 00110011
4 34 00110100
5 35 00110101
6 36 00110110
7 37 00110111
8 38 00111000
9 39 00111001
: 3A 00111010
; 3B 00111011
< 3C 00111100
= 3D 00111101
> 3E 00111110
? 3F 00111111
@ 40 01000000
A 41 01000001
B 42 01000010
C 43 01000011
D 44 01000100
E 45 01000101
F 46 01000110
G 47 01000111
H 48 01001000
I 49 01001001
J 4A 01001010
K 4B 01001011
L 4C 01001100
M 4D 01001101
N 4E 01001110
O 4F 01001111
P 50 01010000
Q 51 01010001
R 52 01010010
S 53 01010011
T 54 01010100
U 55 01010101
V 56 01010110
W 57 01010111
X 58 01011000
Y 59 01011001
Z 5A 01011010
[ 5B 01011011
\ 5C 01011100
] 5D 01011101
^ 5E 01011110
_ 5F 01011111
` 60 01100000
a 61 01100001
b 62 01100010
c 63 01100011
d 64 01100100
e 65 01100101
f 66 01100110
g 67 01100111
h 68 01101000
i 69 01101001
j 6A 01101010
k 6B 01101011
l 6C 01101100
m 6D 01101101
n 6E 01101110
o 6F 01101111
p 70 01110000
q 71 01110001
r 72 01110010
s 73 01110011
t 74 01110100
u 75 01110101
v 76 01110110
w 77 01110111
x 78 01111000
y 79 01111001
z 7A 01111010
{ 7B 01111011
| 7C 01111100
} 7D 01111101
~ 7E 01111110
DEL 7F 01111111

What is ASCII format?

ASCII is an acronym that refers to "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." It is a character encoding standard that is used to represent text and control characters in computers and communication equipment. ASCII uses a unique numerical code to represent each character, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and control characters.

Each character in ASCII is assigned a unique 7-bit binary number (range from 0 to 127). The encoding specifies how these binary integers are assigned to particular characters. The ASCII value for the letter "A" is 65, for "B" it is 66, and so on.

ASCII to HEX conversion table is provided above for reference.

In the early days of computers, ASCII was created to provide a uniform manner of expressing text that could be recognized by different computer systems and communication devices. It has since become an essential component of computers and is still widely used today, particularly in a variety of programming languages, file formats, and communication protocols.

While ASCII is a commonly used character encoding, current systems frequently employ expanded character encodings such as UTF-8 to support a greater variety of characters from different languages and scripts.

ASCII is made up of 128 characters, comprising 26 English Alphabets and digits ranging from 0 to 9.

What is HEX format?

Hexadecimal, frequently shortened as "HEX," is a base-16 numeric system. In computers, it is widely used to represent binary-coded information in a more human-readable and compact manner. Hexadecimal employs 16 unique symbols to represent values ranging from 0 to 15: the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F (or a-f).

Hex is often used in computer terminology to represent memory locations, byte values, and other binary data. Because each hex digit corresponds to a 4-bit sequence, it is a simple way to express binary values. For example, the decimal byte value 170 is represented in hex as "AA" (10 * 16 + 10).

Because of its efficient representation of binary data and ease of translation to and from binary and decimal forms, hexadecimal is frequently used in programming, debugging, and computer systems.